

Project Description


“TAYLOR” is a truly magnificent son of “JAMES”, and is now recognised as one of New Zealand’s foremost Warnham Park sires.  He is leaving very quiet natured progeny and is strongly passing on his outstanding velvet genetics. One of his sons “AUSTIN” was the red deer Supreme National Velvet champion at only six years of age with 10.86kg S.A.V. “Austin” previously cut 9.92kg at 4 years and 11.56kg at five years. Taylor is also the sire of Windermere’s outstanding sire “TRAVIS”.

Sire Performance Data
Age LW Velvet HA Points Score
2 190kg 4.2kg
3 230kg 5.35kg
5 250kg 6.9kg
6 7.8kg
8 258kg 8.7kg SAV